Nick Basbanes on “Henry and Fanny Longfellow: Palm Branches and Passion Flowers”

  • 09/16/2020
  • 6:30 PM
  • 9/16/2020 | 6:30 PM CT via Zoom. Advance registration required via website.
  • 42


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September Evening Program

Nick Basbanes’ newest book, Cross of Snow, explores the impact of Longfellow’s wife Fanny on the man, his work, and his poetry. The book has been widely acclaimed by the Wall Street Journal, The New Yorker, and the New York Times. Nick’s previous book, Gentle Madness, has been a must-read for book collectors, and his On Paper was highly acclaimed for bringing his unique knowledge and scholarship to a subject at the heart of Caxtonian interests. This presentation will offer the opportunity to explore Nick’s latest research and insights on Longfellow.

Copies of Cross of Snow with author-signed bookplate will be available for mailing immediately after the presentation for $27.00, which includes taxes and shipping. Prepayment via credit card is required. Books are not available for pickup in person.

The presentation is free, but advance registration by 9/14/20 is required for delivery of the Zoom instructions.

All Evening Programs will begin at 6:30 PM CT via Zoom. The events will consist of quality Zoom presentations with real-time Q&A features immediately following those presentations.

211 South Clark Street,
PO Box 2329,
Chicago IL 60604-9997

Tel: +1 (312) 970-1294